Fans have loved following along with Chelsea Houska's life since she appeared on MTV's 16 & Pregnant. Back then, she was a high school senior who learned she was expecting a baby. She had a baby girl, Aubree, and a tough relationship with her then boyfriend Adam.
Houska has grown up and now the 29-year-old is married to Cole DeBoer and a mom of four. She decided to quit Teen Mom 2 and has a net worth of $60,000.
What has the reality star been up to since she chose to quit Teen Mom 2? Let's take a look.
Welcoming Baby #4
Fans wondered if Chelsea Houska was pregnant again and she announced that she was pregnant with her fourth child in the summer of 2021.
Chelsea Houska gave birth to her fourth baby in January 2021 and named the baby girl Walker June. According to People, Houska shared photos on Instagram and wrote in the caption, "What a life we have built."
Chelsea shares an older daughter, Aubree, with Adam Lind, her ex-boyfriend, and she and her husband Cole DeBoer have three kids: Layne, Watson, and Walker.
Fans can see a lot about Houska's family life if they follow her on Instagram. The photos are always charming and so adorable and she posts regularly. Houska has also recently shared a picture of her cute daughter Aubree wearing sunglasses that Houska made in collaboration with DIFF Eyewear. According to The Hollywood Gossip, many fans commented on this photo and said of Aubree, "She's so big and beautiful" and "She's getting so big."
Aubree Says
Chelsea Houska also has a company called Aubree Says, which sells home decor. The Instagram account is just as pretty and appealing as Houska's own.
The website's main page says "Home goods by Chelsea for a cozy home." In the "about us" section, Houska shares some beautiful and poetic words about the inspiration behind the company. She talks about how important family is to her and how she wanted to create a company with those values. She wrote, "I believe in big dreams. And I’ve always had a lot of them. For years, I’ve dreamed of building a happy, free-roaming flock of a family. Little ones, spaghetti-stained and giggling, sprinting from room to room."
She continued, "Family is our source of joy" and added, "But our home matters, too."
Houska explained, "We are setting out to make the kind of products that turn four white walls into cozy homes — for families of all kinds. So that you and your family can dream big, too."
Some of the products listed on the website include slippers, a swaddle blanket, a candle, beanie hats, blankets, mugs, and banners that say "sweatpants" or "wouldn't change."
According to The Sun, some people weren't happy that Houska was selling a onesie for $31. The onesie is grey and says "Hello I'm New Here."
The publication notes that some people posted on Reddit that they didn't love this. One said, "$31 for a grey onesie with a few words on it is absolutely ludicrous. Your kid would grow out of it in weeks." Another person noted how much more affordable other onesies are.
'Teen Mom 2' Life
Back in 2012, Houska was interviewed by Yummy Mummy Club and talked about starring on a reality show for so long. She said of her daughter, "Aubree has had the cameras in her life since she’s been born (sic). I have thought about 'is this bad?' But I think it’s going to be good. I will be able to explain all this to her later."
Houska was asked what the experience of parenting at such a young age has been like and she shared, "I was thinking today that before I had Aubree, I always thought how stressed I was. I can’t believe I ever thought of that before. I do everything for her. My life revolves around her, what’s best for her. I had to grow up a lot. It’s so crazy, cause it happened so fast. Here I am, (with the responsibilities of) a 40-year-old in a 20-year-old’s body."
Chelsea Houska has also been super honest about adjusting to all the body changes that happen during pregnancy and after giving birth. According to In Touch Weekly, she said, “Sharing just the whole process felt important to me. And I felt confident enough and secure enough in myself to do that this time. Whereas the other times I was also feeling insecure so I can relate to that also.”
Houska has a great, positive, inspiring attitude as she says it's not possible to "snap right back" and people should love their body for what it did and be gentle with themselves during this time in their lives.