How to spell barbara

Barbara (given name) Bonnie.

How do you spell the name Barbara?

Barbara is a given name used in numerous languages. It is the feminine form of the Greek word barbaros (Greek: βάρβαρος) meaning “strange” or “foreign”, from which the current term barbarian is also derived.

Barbara (given name)

Meaning“strange or foreign”
Other names
See alsoBarbra, Babs, Barbie, Barby, Barb, Barbro

What does the name Barbra mean?

Barbra as a girl’s name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Barbra is “foreign woman”. Barbra is a variant of the Latin name Barbara.

Is Barbara an old name?

Barbara, Varvara, or Barbra in any spelling is a classical name – reaching back through the Middle Ages, previously and notably through the Byzantine & Roman Civilizations and beginning at the Ancient Grecian civilization.

Is Barbara an Italian name?

Italian, Spanish and Portuguese (Bárbara), and English: from the female personal name Barbara, which was borne by a popular saint, who according to legend was imprisoned in a tower and later put to death by her own father for refusing to recant her Christian beliefs.

What does Barbara mean in Irish?

BÁIRBRE, BAIRBRE, genitive idem (the same), Barbara, Barbary; Greek—βάρβαρή (Bárbaré), stranger; a name in use among the ancient Romans; borne by a holy virgin and martyr of Nicodemia in the 3rd century, who became the patroness of architects and engineers; common in Connacht. Latin—Barbara.

What year was the name Barbara most popular?

Barbara gained the most popularity as a baby name in 1931, when it’s usage went up by 125.95%. During this year, 21796 babies were named Barbara, which was 1.0665% of the baby girls born in the USA that year.

What is the biblical meaning of Barbara?

Derived from Greek βάρβαρος (barbaros) meaning “foreign”. According to legend, Saint Barbara was a young woman killed by her father Dioscorus, who was then killed by a bolt of lightning. She is the patron of architects, geologists, stonemasons and artillerymen.

What is the spiritual meaning of the name Barbara?

Spiritual Meaning of the name Barbara: If Barbara were to be a precious stone, she would undoubtedly be the Emerald, a symbol of knowledge and truth. She reveals the sincerity of feelings in a couple. Barbara’s character is similar to that of the natives of Taurus.

Why is Babs a nickname for Barbara?

Babs as a girl’s name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Babs is “foreign woman”. Babs is a variant of the Latin name Barbara. Related Baby Names Lists.

Is Barbara an Irish name?

Barbara in Irish is Bairbre.

How many ways can you spell Barbara?

How Do You Spell BARBARA? Correct spelling for the English word “Barbara” is [bˈɑːbəɹə], [bˈɑːbəɹə], [b_ˈɑː_b_ə_ɹ_ə] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is Bonnie a nickname for Barbara?

Bonnie is not classically short for anything. It’s a Scottish word for pretty derived from the French word Bon. However, it could be used as a nickname for something like Siobhan or Bronwyn.

Is Bonnie a cute name?

It comes from the Scots language word “bonnie” (pretty, attractive), or the French bonne (good). That is in turn derived from the Latin word “bonus” (good). The name can also be used as a pet form of Bonita.


MeaningPretty, Attractive, Beautiful, Good
Other names
Related namesBonita

Do the Irish say Bonnie?

Bonnie in Irish is Álainn.

Is Bonnie short for?

Bonnie is a girl’s name of Scottish origin meaning “pretty, beautiful or cheerful”. Bonnie is short for the name “Bonita.”

How do you pronounce Siobhan?

Siobhan is a traditional Gaelic name. It is pronounced Sha-vonne.

What is Betty short for?

Betty or Bettie is a name, a common diminutive for the names Bethany and Elizabeth.

What is Binnie short for?

The meaning of Binnie is “A short form of names containing the element “bin””. Its origin is “English”. This name is mostly being used as a unisex name.

