And of course, I love that Roy actually caught Wattrel in the end. I wasn't sure if he would (at least not in this particular episode), but I'm so glad he did in the end. Wattrel's personality is so adorable. I really hope he'll be used a lot, since, not gonna lie, I really am getting annoyed with Fuecoco. Never been a fan of the easily distracted gluttons pulling off stunts like he did today with the Vespiquen. It'll be nice seeing how Wattrel meshes with Roy. Hopefully he'll be used a lot to help find Liko in the next episode.
And speaking of that, it was nice seeing Liko get some time to herself, though I'm still not happy about this Explorer pendant stealing stuff at all. Hopefully they don't drag this nonsense out for too long, and Liko will get it back in the next episode so they can move on over to Galar. Seeing Terastalization again was nice too, but again, in general, I didn't enjoy Friede and Spinel taking up so much time. Thankfully it wasn't too much though.
Overall, great episode. Roy is the best. 9/10.