Update: Niantic and Pokemon Go confirmed Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke Community Day on March 18, 2023. Feel free to learn more here.
Previous Story: Community Day in Pokemon Go is widely known as the event where Pokemon Go players have limited time to catch the featured Community Day Pokemon, its shiny forms, and evolve during the event or up to five hours afterward to get a new Charged Attack.
A new Community Day is almost upon us, so now it’s the perfect time to start thinking about March 2023 Community Day, and what Pokemon we wish to see next.
Ever since its release in 2018, it has been proven that Community Day is doing precisely the things it was designed for, and that is making our beloved Trainers happy with new shiny Pokemon, valuable bonuses, new attack moves, and a Special Research story. So far, we have had the chance to participate in sixty-two Community Days in Pokemon Go. Players around the globe had a chance to catch all Community Day Pokemon, and their shiny forms, and enjoy all the features and bonuses.
The good thing about this event is that Trainers have a greater chance of catching a hundo or a shundo of the highlighted Pokemon, which usually is a Pokemon that is a rare or uncommon spawn.
The next, sixty-third Community Day will start on March 18, 2023, featuring a new Community Day Pokemon, shiny forms, and new bonuses.
Now is the perfect time to start speculating which would be the third consecutive Community Day Pokemon in 2023, and here is a list of Pokemon that we might see next.
March 2023 Community Day Pokemon Go
- Absol
- Axew
- Azurill
- Basculin
- Bidoof
- Cacnea
- Caterpie
- Fennekin
- Froakie
- Goomy
- Gothita
- Growlithe
- Klink
- Litten
- Magnemite
- Mankey
- Onix
- Pidove
- Pikipek
- Popplio
- Rowlet
- Rowlet
- Sandile
- Sewaddle
- Shuppet
- Slowpoke
- Sneasel
- Taillow
- Timburr
- Togepi
- Tynamo
- Vanillite
- Venipede
- Wooper
- Zubat
What Pokemon do you wish to see next as Community Day Pokemon in March 2023?
For last, here are the dates for the Community Days in Pokemon Go.
Community Days Dates 2023
- Saturday, March 18, 2023
- Saturday, April 15, 2023
- Saturday, April 29, 2023 (Community Day Classic)
- Sunday, May 21, 2023
Make sure to save the dates and enjoy all the features and bonuses.